Bosques de mi mente, "Los titanicos esfuerzos de una bicicleta oxidada por avanzar" ("A Rusty Bicycle's Titanic Efforts to Move Forward").
If you like this, you'll like all of Bosques de mi mente's work (the name, by the way, means "Forests of My Mind"). . . and, even better for you, it's all available for free. You can find it either at his website or at
Something more serious now . . . The Wichita Downtown Development Corporation has just received funding from the city council to support its development of a master plan for the urban core and has a site called Momentum where it is posting info and soliciting input from citizens regarding their vision of downtown. I just wrote them a long-winded letter in which I expressed my desire that they envision their residents as not just sleeping there or being entertained there but as genuinely living there and so should make the area more alt-transportation friendly and see about recruiting a large full-service grocery store or a couple of smaller ones along those same lines. I hope you'll visit their site as well and write them as the spirit moves you.
This is good news, thanks for posting! Will anyone be attending their public meetings?
I hope to put in an appearance or two. I think that, assuming we can approach this thing imaginatively and a whole bunch of deals have not been cut already, and assuming there's genuine interest in hearing citizen input, we (that is, all of us) could have a downtown that is prosperous in the usual sense of the word and truly livable.
Check out the recommendations from the Arena Plan.
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