Sunday, August 24, 2008

50 States--100 Bike Blogs

I learned today that Cycling in Wichita was chosen by Jason of 100 KM as one of two Kansas cycling blogs to appear on his list of 100 U.S. cycling blogs (the other is the inimitable Commuter Dude, somewhere over in Johnson County.

As all of us know, sometimes a little question starts pestering us--an intellectual itch needs scratching. Jason's was, Can I find at least two cycling blogs for each of the 50 states? The answer, after a couple of weeks of searching, is Yes.

Here follows are some of Jason's guiding principles for choosing the blogs that would appear on his list:
I didn't have a completely set criteria for the bike blogs I chose beyond only two per state, but I did favor those that update regularly when I could. I tried to mix in some famous (dare I say canonical) bike blogs that I read regularly, with a bunch of others that I hadn't come across before. I also wanted to get a good mix of mountain bikers, bike commuters, hipsters, advocates, roadies and randos- and I think I did fairly well in that regard. The cycling diversity that I found throughout the country was downright American and reinforced what a powerful and unlimited tool for fun, utility and community the bicycle is.
Somehow or other, this blog fit in there, and I'm humbled and honored that it did, especially when any number of equally-deserving blogs could--and in some cases should--have been chosen before this one was.

I'll be putting a link to this list over in the gutter; in the meantime, I hope you'll go visit Jason's list, visit some blogs and, as Jason notes, get a sense of the diverse community that cyclists form in this country.

Thanks again, Jason.

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